The Origin
In the lush gardens of Monocerus, a rare and precious flower blooms, known as the Radiant Essence Blossom. The petals of this extraordinary flower are carefully harvested and brewed into a special potion which has transformative effect. Crafted further by Philtromagos a skilled Greek magician-alchemist in 491 BC, one year after the first Persian invasions to Greece, this liquid become Moonlight Potion; a Magical Ink with transformative properties
When a particular Moonlight Potion is ingested under the light of a full moon, its enchantment are unleashed and the liquid within the vial shimmers and swirls if exposed to this liquid spill, your LP NFT card will absorb the essence of the potion and come alive, transforming into Sparkle-VX; a newborn Unicorn that in the future will become a formidable and famous warrior to fight against the Persian invaders!
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