Equinexus Crossing
combination of the words "equus" (horse) and "nexus" (a point of connection or convergence).
This feature will be removed because the MMO version will have the ability to accommodate up to thousands of players simultaneously ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
The Equinexus Crossing is a bridge that if crossed by Sparkles can turn them into Greek Warriors. This bridge only has a capacity of 15 Sparkles, so not all Sparkles who want to join in the fight can get through it, but only 15 selected Sparkles chosen randomly by Equinexus Crossing
Below are the steps:
Connect your wallet to the Avalanche network by pressing the "Connect Wallet" button here https://chainlist.org/?search=avalanchemake sure you are connected to a wallet address that has Sparkle-VX NFTEquinexus Crossing will automatically detect the Sparkle-VX you have.Choose one of the Sparkle that you have, and press the "Queue to Cross" button.Make sure your Sparkle is on the queue boardWait a few moments, when the queue reaches 50 sparkles then Equinexus will automatically draw and if luck is on your side, then your sparkle will turn into a warrior and you are ready to play Monocerus RPG
If you are not selected, don't worry because the 15 selected sparkles each have a time limit to play. Every time a warrior is hit by a timeout, the Equinexus will raffle back for a replacement, and it could be your turn.
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