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Voxmorphia is a place where you can use Moonlight Potion NFT to 'turn' MONOCERUS-POS (Liquidity Position NFT which you get from Monocerus Swap) under the Moonlight to come alive as Sparkle-VX.

Below are the steps:

  1. Connect your wallet to the Avalanche network by pressing the "Connect Wallet" button here

  2. make sure you are connected to a wallet address that has MONOCERUS-POS and Moonlight Potion NFTs

  3. Voxmorphia will automatically detect the MONOCERUS-POS and Moonlight Potion you have.

  4. Choose one of the MONOCERUS-POS and one of the Moonlight Potion NFT that you have minted before, and press the "Morph" button.

  5. Wait a few moments, then VoxMorphia will randomize and the Sparkle-VX NFT will be minted for you

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